Ecclesiastes 3:1

There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven
Because of the standard of objectives that we set to ourselves, we are always on the quick move to accomplish that that we started. Even when the frequency is low, we want to hear from high volume...we want the best always.

It is not in our making that such natural laws exist; laws of time. We are always filled with stress just because what we wanted to accomplish is not moving according to our likes. And because we also see others ahead of us , we feel our God has been unfair.

It is not about fair or unfair. It is about the laws that govern our world. There is time for everything. There is time to be Happy and there is time to be sorrowful. There is time to climb and there is time to pose. There is time to sow and there is time to harvest. There is time to make friends and there is time to lag . Your life is under the influence of such laws. Your life cannot run faster than your death. There is time to have it now and there will be time to lose it then. There is also time to succeed and time to fail. 

Your hand cannot move faster than time. The time allocated for a hand that is moving at a given velocity will surely come without any trace of unfairness. We cannot be moving at 50km/hr on the same lane and you go before me. No . We shall all reach at the same time. If you decide to increase the velocity, then the time will adjust accordingly...more importantly, it will adjust automatically. You cannot cheat on the beautiful laws that our God has set for us to move.

Don't think that you having sorrow now means that you will have the sorrow for eternity. It doesn't mean that the sorrow is yours and happiness is for others . There will be a time that you also encounter happiness in full swing. You may have failed now, but your time to succeed is definitely coming to pass. There is time for everything. Let patience and tolerance be you manners. Wait till the right time for you is ripe. And when it comes, you will receive your due measure with fairness.

                 GOD BLESS YOU

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