Psalms 121:2

 My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
Because of seemingly dark and blurred futures, many of us tend to divert Vision mad have a different sight.
Peter walking on water at the first time round was because his sight was onto Jesus. His eyes were all fixed onto Jesus. But when he continued, he was prompted by many of the features around his environment till he lost the original sight. And because he lost the original sight, he lost the faith. And because he lost the faith, he lost the miracle.

There are many times we have lost the miracle just because we lose the original sight.
There are a bunch of times we lose from hearing on God's voice just because we lose the original sight. We have lost on the abundance of the spirit and inner riches because we lose the original sight.

You know if there is little problem that you encounter, many people will come up with many various sayings about what would have gotten wrong and they will also come up with various solutions to what they think is a puzzled problem. Just to have a better view, let's look at this; a woman testified of having a small swelling on her hand. She told that to many of her friends just because of the fear of the unknown. But many of those that she told the issue to were claiming that the swelling could be cancer. Some even affirmed it and gave her better reference for how cancer starts out from the fingers. Some said it could be a germ infection. Different people had their own says about her and her problem. She only decided to go to the doctor to find out what the problem could be. The doctor said it is a simple irritation that needs simple operation. It was done and she was okay. The cancerous mouths were no where to be seen. 
If she had listened to those claiming cancer, she would live in fear. But she had a place to look to.

Stop looking at people and start to look at doctor Jesus. Look at Christ. Whatever the weight of your problem, people will have all words to say to you. Stop replying on people for the satisfaction of you soul. Our help comes from the Lord our creator, the Maker of heaven and Earth. It is Him who knows your coming in and going out
 It is him who knows the mysteries of the earth. He has the best solution for you. He knows the best paths you should take to lead to where to want to go. If you ask what to see in the difficulty moments, remember this;" our help neither comes from neither the East nor from the West nor from the north nor from the south... Our help comes from God". Look above and see light.

                    GOD BLESS YOU

                                            180th msg


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