WILL POWER.

 INTRO : The many things that have so far happened in our world have happened because of the power in willingness. From the time of creation till now, many things have been accomplished from hearts that are willing. Even God in his creation was first willing to take on the project of creation then he was able to. We cannot accomplish might things without having willingness within.

 PROB : We move journeys that are not backed up by a willing spirit
 PURP: To enable us understand the power of a willing spirit .

   >>> However much Moses was fearful about the mission that God was giving him, he was having a willing heart. He feared that his abilities may not put him in position to accomplish that that God is sending him to accomplish. At times, even when God is sending us according to knowledge he knows about our abilities, we tend to show that we know our weaknesses better than God knows. Moses argued with God yet his will within him encouraged him to move on. It would take a lot to convince someone in our world today to take on a mission that will cost them their life. 
Will power makes us accomplish that that we ourselves feel are impossible.

We see in Exodus the argument between God and Moses. However, Moses was more doubtful about the idea that God had. He displayed what his weaknesses were just to convince God that he couldn't. One very important thing that was holding Moses back was the fear of the unknown. He knew that he couldn't speak well; and that what will happen if he spoke the same way to pharaoh. He also quite knew that the Israelites were stubborn; how will he lead them with his reserved nature. Fears kept pulling him, yet a willing heart also kept calling him. It is clear that the willing heart built up a Faith that moved him a step to the mission.
There are many times that we have Deteriorated in faith just because we are not ready to take a step. The first step you take to begin is the biggest achievement in your journey to an an end. It takes triple weights of energy to start and a single weight to move on. You will need more mass to push the start button than the mass you need to accelerate. Just like a vehicle. The start feels a need of more energy to push the stagnant object than the energy that is used to accelerate and speed up the vehicle. One of the energy that you need to start is willingness. When something starts, there is a greater likelihood that it will accelerate. A mere application of willingness to start rises the faith of success. Moses started off and we see how his confidence to lead grew higher daily. 

* 2 Corinthians 1:20 For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.

The application of God's idea onto Moses never kicked off not until Moses agreed with God. It all started after Moses had gained Victory over his fears through a willing spirit.
We see how within scripture, that the many promises of God are a YES. Yet it continues and says that through Christ, an amen is spoken by us. Now, amen means , let it be so. Such a phrase of "let it be so" sounds like a permission granted statement. Permission is willingness. You cannot carry out a duty in an office without having been given a permission....a willingness from your boss. In the same way, God's promises can't move our lives if we haven't permitted them....if we haven't put in a willing spirit. GOD couldn't just push Moses to doing what he wanted him to do. He needed Moses to understand with his heart and have the willingness.
Many times, we have lost out on the promises of God just because we have lost the willing heart. You loose out on the blessings ahead just because you give up. Giving up is loosing the willingness. You start slowly with God, but just because of the different challenges that you encounter, your will power becomes loose; and the worst some people do is to give up. The promises of God are Yes....yes means that they are steady waiting for a take off. They are hanging waiting to be tapped. It is the amen in a willing spirit that can tap them.

Did you know , that the best offering one can offer is the living sacrifice? But then, did you know , that many people have not been accepted as living sacrifices just because of lack of will.

*2 Corinthians 8:12
For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what he does not have.

The best of the self that you offer to God is gotten through a willing spirit. You cannot give your whole to God, your best to God, the best talent; without willing. Moses was able to offer the best to God as in having his whole life as a service for the Israelites just because he had a willing spirit. Do you think if Moses pretended around with God and simply gave in because a voice from the burning bush spoke to him; he would tolerate the stubborn Israelites? Do you think he would have spent 40years if he didn't like what he was doing?.
Willingness drives love. Willingness drives talent. Willingness drives vision. 
God cannot fully accept your offering without a willing spirit. 

Moses' driven willing spirit was gotten from the knowledge he came to encounter. When he learned of it that God is going to let Aron accompany Moses, he was driven to let in. Confidence is a product of faith. Learning and believing that there is hope in the future is faith. And willingness to step in produces confidence. The confidence that Shadrach, Meshach and abdnego developed was their willingness to die for God.

*Daniel 3:16-18 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. 17 If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. 18 But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.”

We see how confidence was built within the hearts of the three men just because of the willingness to die for God. They said God will save us...but even if he doesn't...we will not serve the image. Willingness in that phrase was just above faith. Faith is an assurance of the things that will definitely happen. These people said a word of faith and diluted it to show how their willingness to die with God in whichever way. But of course, such a heart is too strong for God to resist. He came and saved them. It feels that he saved them because of their confidence in God. The great willing spirit produces great confidence and great faith.

What are you waiting for dear brethren! You may think you are not enough. You may think you have greater weaknesses than the abilities. You may think whatever you are cannot accomplish this or that. But always have it at the back of your mind that the greatest heroes of the Bible accomplished great things from their strong willing hearts. You may look at the journey you are supposed to move as a long journey...yes even Moses knew the journey from Egypt to cannan. You may look at the weight that you have to carry; but one thing to note strongly is that a triple of the energy you use to accelerate in your journey is used to start the journey. It takes alot to wake up and start a business, a career, a course, but there is lesser energy used in accelerating. The good news we have seen today is that will power is the greatest energy in the start of the journey. It is the root of faith, confidence, love, which all lead to success.

⚫ Never doubt the promises of God within you. Say amen and be willing to take on.
⚫The greatest sacrifice you can give unto God your father is the sacrifice made from the willing spirit.
⚫The greatest of your future starts with the will power within your heart.

By Simon Kutosi.
Sunday 13, August 2023.
                            95th msg


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