John 16:33

 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Whenever the mind is troubled, the think that brings it to settle is systematic thoughts. We become who are by the thought and word we have.

When Christ says that He that is tired and troubled should come to him, it means the thought, the heart should go to him. You will obviously not visit heaven to see Christ because you feel werry ! There is a special element that Christ calls for . And that those that need peace must make it up to that element. He calls for an understanding of his word...the word of peace.

There are many times we become tired and yet run to different means to settle with our inner self. We have at many occasions forgotten to run to Christ through his word. 
The scripture above tell us that Christ has spoken all these in his word so that in him , we may have peace. And that it is obvious that in this world we may have many troubles, but we should also know that he has overcome the world. The term overcome means that he also faced troubles while he was in this world. But regardless of the level of troubles that he faced, he overcame them. 

The word of peace is here. Read this word everyday and meditate on all it's meaning unto your life. Read within scripture every morning before you head to work. Know that he that has overcome this world will lead you through the work. Such a mind set brings peace. Know that you are not your own creator and that He that created you and sent you to this world is taking care of you. He thinks about you. He loves you. Knowing all this brings peace. Also know that you have to face trials in this world like your brother Christ did.

 Knowing that will give you peace. You will not be overwhelmed when you are confronted with trouble. You will gain courage everyday to move on. You will be calm when the storm arise. Your calmness will lift your faith to walk on the waters with peace. Let this word not depart from you, but meditate on it day after day, and you will be careful not to let worries over ride you. You will be at peace.

                      GOD BLESS YOU

                                      174th msg


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