Nehemiah 4:17

 who were building the wall. Those who carried materials did their work with one hand and held a weapon in the other, 18 and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked.
The Israelites were on the verge of losing out if they lost their weapons. They were also on the verge of being attacked anonymously if they didn't have a wall. They were in-between building a wall and fighting off perpetual enemies. Their "recipe" for the indignant challenge was to be armed side by side.
Work in the one hand and be armed in the other.

We have been set in a generation where all sides are wanting. And for many who have not been careful, have been taken up by wrong "recipes". Many have concentrated on building the walls while they leave gap for enemies to attack... spiritual enemies for this matter. So sad to gain this whole world and lose your soul. 

There is a big group of people who have been buried in patterns of work of today's generation and have forgotten about their eternal life. Many people say that Christ is preparing eternal life for those who believe in Him . Well, that sounds vague. But typically, eternal life is for all. The elaborated sounds of eternal life by many believers sounds to be the life in with Christ our Lord. But eternity has been set out into every man. Every human being has been set to love forever. The distinction comes in when we talk about the plane of eternity. There is a realm in heaven for the righteous and a plane for the unrighteous. One thing we all have to put at the back of our minds is that when we don't prepare for heaven, we prepare for hell. 

We have to be armed side by side. Run through the Earth and make money. Make wealth that doubles your generation before - to the 10th. But don't forget about your soul.
Even when you are in that office, work as you make prayers. Even when you are at that shop, sell as you meditate on the word of scripture. Even when you at school, fast and pray for your soul.
Be armed side by side. 
Don't let increase on one side outweigh another side. Even when you spend life with your soul, remember your body. Get out and make wealth and bodily happiness.
Let not the enemies get through the walls. Build a strong spiritual wall that cannot be broken by anyone. Build a spiritual self that overcomes all perpetual enemies. You are a strong person. You are able. In whatever way you go, be armed side by side.

                       GOD BLESS YOU

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