Isaiah 59:1

 Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. 2 But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.
The soot rises high. It goes so high and makes black clouds. The birds above the clouds barely see the ground and the people on the ground barley see the birds. The black cloud is so dense that we barely see the other side. But then, gravity looses its strength and blackwoods float from the burning forest to the black cloud. The sounds and lights are all blocked off from us. We can neither see nor hear the people from the other side. 

Even when we raise our voices to cry for help, the people on the other side neither see nor hear us. 
There are many times we have tried to throw out sounds to the mighty father yet many times we are not heard. The many iniquities that we do produce soot that blurs His view . And as the sin continues, the clouds are occupied by "blackwood of iniquities". 

God is a holy God and His standards never change. His arm that saves us is the same arm that drew a dry line through the red Sea. His ears are the very ears that heard Hannah when she prayed earnestly. His eyes are the same eyes that saw Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego when they were confronted by the wolves of Babylon. He is the same God today. 

There is an iniquity within you that hides the face of God from you at some time you need Him. 
My dear, it is better to take your time and unleash the sin that builds clouds of blackwoods than say endless prayers that endlessly bounce up and down the atmosphere of black clouds.
God is your father. He knows your in and out. He will not be surprised if you mentioned the sin that you did against Him. He is the one who built you and knows all the possibilities of iniquities that you can do. He will not be alarmed. He only needs you to acknowledge those sins and confess them to Him. Such an act helps you to know the weak points that you possibly carry. You were not made perfect though. 
The key to wiping off the cloud that Shields us from Jehovah is repentance. Our God is much able to save us from the destinies of iniquities. Run to our father and let Him know you apologize. Cleanse yourself and replicate His holiness. The Lord's grace is here to save. As His child, you were Born to be holy.

                     GOD BLESS YOU

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