Matthew 14:28

 Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

 29 “Come,” he said.

 Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”
Have you ever wondered why Peter demanded to walk on water in the first place yet after walking a while he started to sink? 
Well, there was something that was more natural at the first place than what came in the second place.
Peter saw Jesus and had the great faith that Jesus had awakened in them. The faith was active and motivated Peter to go out and meet his master. But later we see how fear comes in from the thin of the world around Peter and he started to sink. Fear wasn't there originally, but it showed up from the world around Peter.

The first phase of greater confidence shows that we are fashioned for faith and not for fear. Faith normally shows in the first place before fears come in. It means that the character that has an upper hand within you is the great faith. Fear doesn't rule faith. Faith rules fears. 

The moment you were born, you had faith that you will get the milk that you desire. But if I may ask question, who among us remembers the time you took your first milk after birth. Probably no one can remember that...fact being that such memories were not developed. There was something that was driving us more naturally than what is simply learnt. It was natural faith of " I know there is milk....I need milk". That shows that faith is naturally within us. Let's have a different angle from which to view this; a baby when well fed will be peaceful and calm. They will not be wanting anything. What makes matters interesting is that naturally a baby can't get fear when a lion draws closer to it. Instead some babies have been seen laughing when such calculated experiments are made with tamed lions. And yet when such a baby needs their milk, they will cry for it knowing they will get .
It is an art of natural faith . 

The being that you are is built to be more firm and more courageous. You are fashioned to believe that tomorrow is better . You have been made to know that left or right, nature will provide, God will provide. Don't let the faith that is designed within you to sleep. Everyday, wake up and walk in great faith on the waters of this world.

                     GOD BLESS YOU

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