Isaiah 43:19

 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.
The wisest of man is the foolishness of God. Where man's wisdom ends is where God's foolishness starts.
The hand of God is not too short to save; His paths start at the end of yours.

There are many times we are confronted with challenges that feel impossible. There are alot of times we feel we have been buried in deserts. One thing I have learnt is that where you think you have tried and no further do, it is where God has to take on from. If God did what we did, them He will not be seen as God. He is seen as God because He does what we are not able to do. 

Whenever you feel a situation has gone beyond your capabilities, know that it is time to surrender. Whenever you feel a situation has gone beyond your abilities, know that it is a time for God to manifest. His grace appears in the thick of moments.

The Israelites had walked for a long distance without encountering such a serious threat. Little did they know that they have encountered a natural barrier that is difficult to overcome. However, they settled around to just think of plan B. As they thought over plan B, an army of the Egyptians swept through the desert to wage war against them. The army wanted to take them back to slavery.
The Israelites were between thick fire whose chances of escape was inevitable. However, Moses looked up and called upon the God is Abraham and Isaac. He called upon sufficient Grace. 

God came to their rescue through a tunnel that was unfathomable. He divided the waters so that they could travel across with much ease. It was Grace in the thick.
There is a moment God waits for within the timeline of your life to manifest His power. It is at such difficult moments that God sets out His grace. 

He is doing a new thing today. Believe, believe! He is making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland! His grace is sufficient for all. God will not let you die from whatever is compressing you. He will not let you be crushed. He will hold you till His purpose comes to pass.

                      GOD BLESS YOU

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