Jeremiah 50:25

 The Lord has opened his arsenal and brought out the weapons of his wrath, for the Sovereign Lord Almighty has work to do in the land of the Babylonians.
There are many times we are confronted by a cloud of strong forces which can easily turn us over. The many times we are confronted by such energies, we are not able to save ourselves. The battle line is set and wars start. We either lose the game or win the game.

A person comes to draw claims of a self that you are not. They come to pour out so much accuses that you fail to line up in numerical order. They come with strange energies to weaken what has been given to us. It is battle in a field of game.

Wherever we go, we see battle after battle. But the problem that we have is that we think that wherever we go, we are to fight the wars by ourselves. Obviously you may have a part to play in some game. But in the other games, you are supposed to be a spectator. Watching battles between powers.

It is clear that as Christians we have a warrior who fights for us. I mean the mere fact that Lucifer is no match to you without a divine backup, is the fact that your surviving now means there is a spiritual backup.

The Lord has opened his arsenal. Whatever the devil has opened against you is no match with what the Lord has risen for you. If the Lord our mighty father is for us, then Victory is ours and the war is His. 

He that created the heavens and the Earths and all that are in them cannot be overcome by what is in them. 
The Lord's arsenal won.

His divine arsenal that contains all sorts of weapons has been set to fight all wars that go against you. The people that rise as Babylonians in your life have been stepped on. 
We have been saved by the blood from all the twists of the devil. And whatever tweets Lucifer sets against your mind and your heart to throw you to sin have been nullified. The work of God is to bring Justice to all his creation. He has set his work in your life. Justice is here. Where you felt cheated is where the weapons will do welding. His arsenal won. If God is for us , who will go against us.

                     GOD BLESS YOU

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