Revelation 21:19

 The foundations of the City walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire,... chalcedony,... emerald, ... sardonyx,... carnelian, ... chrysolite, ... beryl, ... topaz, .. chrysoprase, ...jacinth, and .. amethyst
When Lucifer was in heaven at the service of the throne, he encountered the great beauties of the heavenly palace. He himself was also endowed with some of those beauties. And that being a leader at the highest ranks, he saw the true beauties of life to their deepest.
Nevertheless, he developed pride and wanted to own all of those beauties. He want to step in the place of God and have full charge of them all. And as he planned to execute his plans, it didn't go well for him. He was arrested and fought till thrown to earth. With all the might anger , he waged war against the inhabitants of the earth and never wants them to see the Merryland that is prepared for them. 

The devil will come to whisper wrong domains to your ears simply because he wants you to lose out on the beauties ahead. He is full of jeolousy. We should keep watch against his dark strategies. 

There is a land that is far beyond our comprehension . The land that is filled with the most of the precious elements that we know of. If the devil is busy fighting us day and night just to make us lose on attaining the good things in that land, then it means the land is beyond what has ever been described. It is not something that can be put into writing. Even our brains cannot understand what good things this land has. I mean even if someone went their and carefully described what is there, the cells of your brain can't process such wonders. You will fail to imagine.

There is peace that is beyond what our world can give us. There is joy that drives the soul to unity with the universe. Your eyes will be fed time after time from the beauties that we shall behold. Every time within eternity will be new time to enjoy new things and to encounter new experiences. There will be "syphoned" worship and hynms that give us unity with Jehovah...
Whatever the devil tells you to do, tell them you have a program ahead. Flee from all that can keep you from encountering such land. Merryland is waiting for you. Christ is waiting for you . God is waiting for you. Keep pressing onto the goal till you win the prize for which God has for you in the heavenly realms.

                    GOD BLESS YOU

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