Matthew 5:14

 You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
There is a a thing that God expects from His children. Mere fact that you are named His child is the fact that you have to reflect his nature. He expects you to emit the light within. The light He has

It never makes any sense if you are called the child of God and never have what shows . It is like going for a DNA test with those you call your children only to find out that they are a match of cow's DNA. Yet you pretty know for sure that they are your kids.

Light is a phrase used in the new testament to means good deeds that reflect the nature of God. It means that lighting up your candle is showing your good deeds to the world.
But it is easier said than done.
Mere fact that the Bible says the world is ruled by Satan is that fact that goods are hard to light up. Making your light shine in a place of darkness is not all-that are plate of gold. There is hardship associated with that. It is lighting a candle in the wind. A candle in the wind will not be stable throughout the move through the wind. It will flap left and right and all the sides according to where the wind goes. Even when we try to light the world with good deeds , there will be resistance.

You therefore have to depict the rightful orientation throughout your move. You have to have stronger character throughout your exhibition. A character that will strengthen the light of the candle...that even when the wind of this world comes against it, the light will not be blown off. It will continue lighting till the bridegroom finds the bride with it. 
Never lose hope in doing good. Do good even when it is hard to. Be good to those who can't accept you as good. The right time will come when your good overshadows the Darkness. God will surely reward you as you deserve. Light the candle for all to see.

                      GOD BLESS YOU

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