1 John 3:1

 How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him
There are countless times we have been treated in somewhat hard way just because we are called Christians. Your leader at work seems to be of another faith . He makes sure he gives you the hardest of the tasks just because he hates whatever you call your self.

It is no surprise that such acts happen to us. In as much as we bare the name of He that was treated that way, we have to go through that tunnel. 

But however, even when we seem to be earthly misfits, there is greater love with us than what the world gives. There is greater kindness here with us than what our earthly leader gives us. We are children of the most high. We have royalty. 
There is one mistake i have noticed with many of believers. They normally think they are on the same plane with non believers with whom they are fond of. They therefore at times talk in the manner of the unbelievers. They act as the non believers do. But the engine behind such acts is the desire of not being rejected. It is the need to be recognized and find room within the territories.

But I think there just no need for all of that. We clearly see how much we have with us. Even when the world does not recognize us, we very well know that it never recognized our Lord Christ from the beginning. We have the father of the universe. We have great love that is unfathomable. 
Because when the scripture says that "no one knows what God has prepared for those who faithfully walk with him, it means that the love we receive here is a tip of the greater love that is prepared for us.

Never mind not finding room within territories of this world. Never mind looking an earthly misfit. There is a time that lavish love will be poured out in it's entirety. Even at now, God much loves you more than you think. It is better to receive love from God than from humans. Human love is temporal and uncertain...but God's love is certain because it is unending.

                      GOD BLESS YOU

                                                     200th msg


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