1 Corinthians 13:12

 Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known .
There is world that rules against our odds. There are people that take advantage is of the many to make their desires come true even at the expense of the many. They at worst hide in the name of Christ to fullfil their agenda.
They are wolves in sheep's clothing.

We have been made to shed tears just because of the upper hand of the wolves in sheep's clothing. But one very important element is that they hide it from our view. What they do, when they do it,how they do is all is blurred to us.
However, time is to come when all these are made clear to every human being and that we shall know all their agenda. 
But besides that, there are countless questions that we have whose answers are just like a reflection of the questions. What we see is a poor reflection as in a mirror. There will come a time when it is all answered. When Christ returns, what seem to be the burning questions will turn out to be the obvious in our eternity. We will be enlightened in new Realms.

But just to bring the very scenario here, there is one thing I learn; that enlightenment comes when you get into play. You can't know well who you are when you don't go and do what reveals who you are. You can't know better about your future when you don't get into the race to the future. You need to get into play. Get onto the journey to new Realms. You will be enlightened there. You will have mysterious findings which you didn't know exist. 
Sitting and hypothesizing about success can't give you full enlightenment about success. You need to be in the play to attain the enlightenment about success. 

Enlightenment is coming. It is a little bit ahead. It is a head in the future. Even when we as Christians are pressed by the wolves in sheep's clothing, Christ will reveal it all. In our infancy, Let's continue to press onto the goal to attain the prize. Press onto godliness and doing that that pleases God. Press onto attaining the self of Christ. If you get to the new Realms, you will be enlightened.

                     GOD BLESS YOU

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