Hebrew 13:6

 So we say with confidence,

 “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?”
If you were set to a line of souls that are yet to be dismissed to the earth, what opinion would you have about your coming to earth? Obviously you would say I don't want to go to the earth. You wouldn't like to be apart of this "noisy" world.

We all - at one point feel we wouldn't have liked being apart of this world. This is so because of the seemingly unending troubles that we face.  
But one very important feeling that drives such thought is the feeling of "am all struggling all alone".

Nevertheless, there is good news today.... kingdom tidings. The confidence we see in our scripture is that "the Lord is our helper" and that since He is our helper, " what can man do". And that knowing all these, " 'we' will not be afraid.
Confidence is an element of having an assurance that it is all set. It is knowing that there is truely a helper.

Mere fact that you didn't choose to come to this world is the fact that you shouldn't worry about your stay in this world. The person that brought you here is behind your progress.

The Lord in many of scriptures has always said that He has good promises for us. You may ask why such promises don't seem to be here with you!. Well, it is simply because they are frequencies that follow times. And that before them, times of worries have to come to pave way for them. One very important thing that I have learnt is that the way that is paved for a successful future is done through times of worries, doubt, failure set backs. We normally appreciate the good in the good things because we had an encounter with bad in bad things. It is therefore very vital to have trials now so that a way to God's promises is made.

The Lord will never forsake you; if He did, the enemy would have destroyed you by now. He will always hold His breath in you; this is because His promises have to come to pass. One good thing to learn today is how to develop confidence in the promise of God...for they are the kingdom tidings

                    GOD BLESS YOU

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