Proverbs 3:4

 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
A lot of times that we tend to take up space and try to accomplish what we think we should, many times God steps aside from the space. He normally likes to step in when you feel you have gone to your limits...and no way out

However, there are many times God has stepped aside while we lean on our understanding yet we fail with it. Our being here has been by nothing but by the power of our almighty God. It is therefore very evident that you need not to lean on your understanding. You need to lean on the star of heaven.

Our God is a source of all our needs . In as much as life on earth relies on the existence of the sun to give life, we rely on the Providence of the heavenly star in order to have our needs satisfied. 

One thing that keeps us so intact with our universe is our knowledge about the universe. It is your head that keeps you in the know. And now, since we know that our being is nothing without our heavenly star, we need not to lean on our understanding but on the understanding of our heavenly father. We need to lean on the understanding of Christ.

What is the understanding of Christ?

It all clear to our minds by now that the pages within scripture are what reveals God's mind unto mankind. Therefore, to lean on the wisdom of the heavenly star, meditate on this word day and night. At night, you will dream this knowledge. During day, you will always do whatever yo do while referring to the wisdom in this knowledge. Meditation on this all the time means that you try to incorporate all that is written on this book to all that you do every single day. And the Incorporation is a great sign that you lean on the star of wisdom.

When you pray, it is one way you inquire of the great intelligences that are unseen in our realms. And such an act gives you paths to lean on the divine star of heaven. In any way you contact our God, is a path to understanding. It is all leaning on the star.
And when you fully lean on the star, He will make your crooked ways straight. Making such paths straight means Walking without stumble. You will fly to new Realms on straight paths.

                      GOD BLESS YOU

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