Deuteronomy 7:19

 You saw with your own eyes the great trials, the miraculous signs and wonders, the mighty hand and outstretched arm, with which the Lord your God brought you out. The Lord your God will do the same to all the peoples you now fear.
There is a problem that the Israelites had which many of us also have. They used to forget quickly what the Lord their God had done and try to complain on what he had not done.

There are many times God has rescued us from the hands of the enemy but we continuously complain of what has not yet been done. We always look at the mountain before us and forget the legendary testimony.

Mere fact that the devil goes to and fro the earth, looking for whom to devour, is the fact that everytime, ...you are on the wanted- list of "criminals" in the kingdom of darkness. The devil looks to devour you. He looks forward to ruin your life. He never wants you to enter the kingdom that he was thrown out by forces - a kingdom of eternity. He wants to render you useless and unwanting. 

The good news is that God always fights the daily battles. Within scripture, it is said that when the devil comes like a flood, the holy spirit raises a standard. It is also said that he intercedes all the time before the father on our behalf. That clearly means that God has done more than we think of. He does more than we pray for.

His outstretched arm has done great miraculous wonders. He has beaten the hardest enemy that sought your life. There is a great legendary testimony to speak of. Your life ;living on now is by the power of the spirit. Not by your strengths. 
When it then comes to the enemies that are before you, you need to be strengthened by the legendary testimony. Know for sure that the same God that has fought for you since then, is the same God who will fight battles that are before you. The same God that has been feeding you since then, is the same God that will feed you today. There is no need to heap worries day after day. Because it is not you who has made your life live to this day. The power that is behind this life will certainly take you safely through the storm. Lift your faith unto Jehovah for the same God will do the same things as found in legendary testimony.

                      GOD BLESS YOU

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