1 Peter 2:11

 Dear brothers, you are only visitors here. Since your real home is in heaven, I beg you to keep away from the evil pleasures of this world; they are not for you, for they fight against your very souls.
Since day one to this day, the creator has not picked souls from any other place other than those that spring forth from His breath. For in the beginning, God said let's make man in our own image. He then breathed life into man to make souls within. His Spirit thrived with man to produce spirits. 

There, by all means we believe we are of an outer origin than this world. Why would someone in this world wrongly believe that they originated from here? I mean why would someone say their species is a kind that revolutionized from animal kingdom? But any way ,if that is their case, where would the animal kingdom and proceeding kingdoms have come from? 

Well, there is little evidence to that claim than what we have here within scripture! The kind of "thing" that moves just in you is not a product of evolution of animal from bacteria. It has origins from higher realms.
You are a visitor in this world. Your real home is in heaven. The breath that you breath is a breath of heaven. It is the breath of higher realms. It is the breath of God. You are not a kind that is common to the earthly elements. Your kind is from exotic origins.

Never live in this world thinking that it's all for you here. Live knowing that your time will come and you will have to go to your heavenly home. Behave carefully knowing that He that sent you to the earth will have answer required to a series of questions regarding your stay here.

There are many things that entangle us. They blur you from the real view of our heavenly origin. They blind us from the truth that we will need to fly back. The activities of darkness through a sinful nature rub our eyes with black oils...they only want you to believe you are a descendant of bacteria. And that - that does not make you anything good..; you can take life the way you feel like. Such entities of darkness well know you are a visitor and all they want is to have you miss out from the bridegroom as He returns to take us back home.
Run a calculated life. Measure real paths in real time of how you will make it to "His holiness" blameless. Time will come when all these earthly dramas are done. Time will come when all your sorrows are done. And the time that comes will be a call from your father. You will not be here forever; because your origins are from higher realms.

                      GOD BLESS YOU

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