Acts 5: 11

 Now a man named Ananias, together with his wife Sapphira, also sold a piece of property. 2 With his wife’s full knowledge he kept back part of the money for himself, but brought the rest and put it at the apostles’ feet. 3 Then Peter said, “Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land?
There is, but one thing that the Lord desires of us. It is honest. It wouldn't be of great value or even of any value at all when we pretend in the sight of our God. He made us and He knows all that we are . The way He relates to you is different from the way He relates with someone else. Well, it may be similar, but different.

One of the elements that takes much of our heart in our earthly realm is money. Money shows how honest someone is and it can determine what kind of heart someone posses. Maybe not determine but shape.
And alongside it, God uses it to test man at many points of our lives. 
A woman called Ananias with her husband were to bring in all that they made from the sale of their land. Here , we see them come one after the other claiming that they brought in all they got from the sales. They become dishonest. They try to think that they can become cunning in the presence of the Spirit. They thought they are being street wise.
Disaster strikes and their lives are taken within thin air. 

The Lord was testing the soul via money matter. But then they fail the test and face the consequences. 
The Ananias spirit is dishonest. It is one that thinks self is so separate from God their creator. It is a greedy spirit. It is a spirit that never wants to give as they get. They don't desire to offer in the house of God as He blesses them. They want to have it all for themselves. The spirit will always tell the victims that - what they have is not enough and so, they should keep a little more for themselves other than offer some. 

There is an obvious rule; that energy is neither lost but transferred from one point to the other. If you draw out negative energies as such - "the Ananias spirit", they obviously return to you. But if you get to the positive and render self honest, cheerful giver; all these will come back to you in full measure. You will receive positive. They will be shaken together but will still be running over. It will be an enormous blessing. Even your lineage and generation that will follow you will see these great blessing.

Let go of the Ananias spirit and open your arms. Open your heart. Open your whole to your heavenly father and let him know you like He knows you. In this way, you will be one with heaven and the Holy Spirit of the almighty God.

                    GOD BLESS YOU

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