Matthew 3:2.

 In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the Desert of Judea 2 and saying, “repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.”
There are several times God our Father has had an angry desire to destroy all that He made. There are several times within scripture where we see God being grieved and ready to finish whatever is left.
Even when the Israelites sinned against Him, he needed to wipe them swiftly . But there was something left.

We see that John the Baptist goes round the desert preaching the message. He talks of repentance because of the nearing kingdom. But have you ever wondered why the kingdom of God has been said to be near from ancient times? Well, many will say a 1000 days are equal to 1 day in God's eyes. But before we quickly line up the statement, let's remember the souls that were written of in revelation; whose blood cried out to Jehovah for revenge. 
As a God of justice, He stoops to our levels and feels the need. He cannot promise to punish your enemies after 2 days which will turn into 2000 years... It is done in time. The gap between means something is still left.

The kingdom of heaven would have sent the approval for the second return of the Messiah, time past; but there is what is left. God would have wiped all humanity in Noah's times, but there is what is left. What's left is the contrite spirit. 

God is seeking for full evidence that all know Him and have chosen paths at will. That they know sin and have repented...or have chosen to follow it. He needs repentance. He has left space for you and me to seek His face and purify our hearts. He has given time for reconciliation. 
His love is here. It still sounds within Him. He likes humans. You don't need to wait for all evidence to believe that you need to fall contritely to the spirit of heaven. What you have heard is enough to show you the right way. Don't wait for the season of grace become a season of grating. The time is now. What's left is contriteness of spirits. God loves you dear. Never let him down. Even when you accidentally fall a 1000 times, always wake up and run the race. Wake up to reconciliation. Our Messiah will come and take us to His place. Whatever it is, don't let the Spirit of God depart from you.

                     GOD BLESS YOU

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