Exodus 17:15

 Moses built an altar and called it The Lord is my Banner.
It is easy to go through life and forget about anyone who cares . It's easy to walk through the matrix of this world and never think of somebody.
But there is a fact here; whether you think there is or there is not, the eye that sees all knows you. A person is watching you and directing you where he knows you cannot.

There is no fact as to believe that we exist all alone. There is no fact to believe that no body cares about you. There is fact as luck. There is some force that is behind progress.

A man that came to die for your sin never gave up. Even when he said it is finished on the day of crucification, it is not all finished. He stands before the presence of God to intercede for you day and night. He is Jehovah nissi; a banner that is there for you and me.

When you are weary, God is your warrior. When you are hopeless, God is your hope. Have you ever wondered why it is that when you lack hope God becomes your hope? It is a natural-spiritual law! Matter occupies space. And as for the law governing spiritual Parenthood, hope goes to offsprings from the parent source. And so when you lack the matter of hope, your parent in heaven will draw hope to you...he becomes the hope. He is Jehovah nissi.

There is no need to build worries within you. There Is no need to think of airy facts that no body cares about you. The mere fact that God took time to write down words within scripture just to guide you is the fact that He cares about you. Mere fact that He let you breathe from morning to day and to night is the fact that He cares about you.
Even to where you have reached, Jehovah nissi has had an upper hand. You are not alone in this universe. There is someone who is your banner in this world. Jesus is the banner.

                    GOD BLESS YOU

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