Matthew 14:23

 After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone,
On several occasions, Jesus left His gathering and went to pray. He went in the quiet when He was all meditate.
 Have you ever wondered why the alone stage was set by christ?...why occasionally He went away from the gathering?
Well, the answer is because the relationship with God requires a personal move.

It is obvious that the power of unity accomplishes much. That even fellowship is essential to all of those who believe. It is one way we build "fire".
But have you ever thought about the reason as to why God will judge individual and not groups.? It is because in all things, God is looking at you and the relationship you have with Him.

There are many Christians today that go to church simply because many are going. If 10 or more have not gone, they will not go. If a certain group of people have not gone, they will not turn up. When they lean on the "we" Clause, they fall away when everyone disappears. But how much would it take you if you went to church on your personal agenda rather than the agenda of someone else? Would you still pray earnestly of you held a Sunday service with your pastor alone?...when no one else has turned up? 

In the last days, the Devil uses all means to draw a large gathering for himself. The Bible describes the gathering as numerous as the sand on the sea shores. Don't think every large gathering has the spirit of God with it. Many of the large gathering are wheeled by darkness. There are very few...that are not.
You have to learn to be alone and stand with Christ. Learn to go alone and pray. Never rely on the "we" Clause. Have more synergy between the whole of yourself and the Trinity. Know what you call God and what God personally calls you. Know what you understand in the Bible at personal level rather than how "we"understand it.
A plant that grows standing alone is able to withstand storm compared to one that is given support by "we" all the time. 
Who do you call me? the question Jesus asked His disciples. And the question is; who do you think Jesus is to you?

                       GOD BLESS YOU

                                                205th msg


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