Romans 8:30
And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.
There is a path that we move through. It is small and rough to us. It seems not easy. It goes against common conscience. It is painful in this generation.
There is a belief that we behold that is controversial to common beliefs. It is right but a little hard to move along with.
Moving through the realm of salvation is not an easy project. It is filled with ups and downs. Even within scripture, it is said that Christian suffering are not a strange ideas. It is common happenings. That in as much as Christ suffered in this world, we too must suffer. We must carry the cross similar to what He carried...we must carry our own cross.
However, like Peter asked a question to Christ, "what do we gain from following you after we have left our families and our children and our business."; It is the same question that may run through your mind. "What do we gain from enduring such suffering?", you may ask.
The answer is here with us. Romans has told us that those He predestined, He also called, and that He also justified, and then glorified.
You were called by your creator the day you received salvation. You were Justified the day you received salvation. God has set you apart from the rest of the world. But the good news is that He will glorify you at the end of all these.
Where this tunnel ends is a definite end in glory. You can't suffer till you have nothing. You will definitely be glorified.
Universal laws are just, there is a balance between every aspect. If you choose enjoyment now, you will have suffering later ; simply because you have eaten what could have been your seed to success. You endure hardship now as you sow the seeds, you will encounter greater success from the growing seeds. It is a balance of Justice in the universe.
So there is no need to worry about the suffering at the present times, there is an end that God is preparing for you and me. You will encounter it and be glorified. God has a great kingdom He is building in which you will be queens and kings in glory.
@Simon Kutosi
208th msg
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