Luke 2:41

 Every year his parents went to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover. 42 When he was twelve years old, they went up to the Feast, according to the custom
The Israelites suffered alot in the hands of the Egyptians. When they were free from the suffering, they crossed over to liberty thus the name Passover. The custom has been done several generations;.... and in our generation, there is a style. Instead of celebrating the crossover from Egypt to the promised Land, we have the Passover from one year to the other.

 After Immanuel was born, Mary His mother went to Jerusalem to have the Passover feast. It was a yearly duty. And when we see in our lives, there is an Egypt that God has set us from and yet there is a different Egypt that the devil plans against us. There is something that God has done for us yet the devil still plans more for us. As God is doing ,the devil is undoing.

At the point of doing and undoing, there needs to be a person that will flip the steering wheel to one side. You have to stand in the gap to flip the wheel from one party to the other.
This is done through the Passover.

It is through prayer that you are able to manipulate the evil plans that the devil has set against you in the next year. It is also in prayer that you will be able to approve the plans that God has for you in the next year. Fasting and praying are the gears that wheel spiritual power to the direction of your desire. You cannot win such battle without those elements.

The year is a precious time. It is a time for God to showcase His might power in you. It is also time to the evil one to deal with you in a different style. Precious as the whole year is, you got to see that you enter it with power and authority. You have to enter the year with highly charged spirit; one that is ready to fight the wars. You got to participate on the Passover.
Make it a custom to Passover in spirit. Don't let the year flip to the other while you are not in the spirit with God. Let an anointing flow and open new paths for you next the promised Land.

                     GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
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