Matthew 2:1

 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem 2 and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.”
The three wise men are at one evening in their eastern territories. Behold, huh...a bright blue "sun" in the night sky. It is there running from the East to West. Ohh...!. 
At this exclamation they stepped forward to pursue the star west wise. 

The bright star Shone clearly. It was the western star of Immanuel.

Being ones who have studied stars and known their relationship to humanity and different births, they well knew that what was born this time is a never heard of thing. It is something they needed to reach out and behold it's glory.

Have you ever wondered what the wise men thought about before embarking on the great journey to the West? Well you may say that they thought what I have said above. But there is something deeper than that...

They could never have seen the wonderful future if they never set out. One thing I learn from them is a future that God sets clearly before our eyes to follow still needs us to set out on a journey to the "west"...a journey to the future. 
The future of the Messiah is here. His reign starts from here. He brings good tidings. 
Immanuel "God with us"... meaning the birth of Christ was one seal for the fact that we are never alone. There is a power that cares for us. There is a person that is there watching us. There is a kingdom that is for us. Immanuel;God with us.

He that was born by the virgin Mary is here with us. He has set His walls in us that no enemy can be able to overcome. He has set His great seal on us that no one can claim possession of us the chosen ones.

Celebrate the great miracle...Mary's little boy...the holy infant...the treasure in a manger...the first Noel. Ride the great ride to the star... through embracing the great salvation brought unto us. Follow Christ. Follow the star. 
                Merry Christmas

                     GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi 
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