2 kings 2:9

 “Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit,” ...if you see me... taken from you, it will be yours...” 11 As they were walking along and talking together,... a chariot of fire and horses... appeared and separated the two, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind. 12 ...And Elisha saw him no more. Then he took hold of his own clothes and tore them apart... Then he took the cloak that had fallen from him and struck the water with it. ... it divided to the right and to the left, and he crossed over.
When Christ came for our sake, it took him a lot to be around and make impact as He waits for the sacrifice. He made disciples and made followers. It was not for nothing that He made disciples see Him being taken up to heaven. 
Elijah's power was transferred to Elisha when Elisha saw him go up into heaven. The signature of Elijah was left into Elisha. The apostles performed marvelous things just after Christ was taken up into heaven. There was an autograph left...a signature to make impact. 

If Christ took all it could possibly take to come to earth and sacrifice just for you, then He has taken a greater step to see you through the world even when He left. And before He left, He said that He will never leave nor forsake you. And that He will send the holy Spirit to be our guide. 
Most important note to make is the autograph of the spirit within you that He left. There is power that Christ gave to us all who believe in His descendants. He gave us the power to drive out demons. He gave us the power to heal sickness. We gave us the power to move mountains. It the autograph of the Spirit...a signature that is for you to make impact.

You are not alone. There is something that lies in you. Something precious resides within. You have the power to change your situation from worse to better. You have the power to overcome principalities and dark authorities of this world. You have the power to make greater impact. The autograph is within you.
When Christ said that we are able to do more miraculous deeds than He did, He knew the power of the Spirit that He would later leave in us. He knew how much could be done with the signature. It is therefore in our position to make the change and run to greater Realms. Elisha picked the cloak that had fallen from Elijah and divided the waters; you as a descendant of Christ, what have you picked to divide mountains and waters?

                    GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
                                                     226th msg


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