Isaiah 42:9

 See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.”
When there is something God is yet to do, He has to get tools within you to accomplish it. And one tool to use in you is the mind you got.

God cannot accomplish great things when the mind and heart are stuck in former former years. Before He made Mary have the great son He had to make her forget the former things and focus on the new things.
When the Bible clearly says that God has a good plan for us and it assures us that God has no harmful plan for us; this means that what could be holding us back is not up to God!. He has the good plan already. But the nature of our minds may be holding onto the former and never letting it go. Because of the pains you had in the last year, you still revise that and experience pains again. 

But there is something new. The Lord has told us to forget the former things. Well they have taken place and made history, but let that pass by your mind. Focus on the good new things that God has for you. Focus on the great bliss that awaits you. Focus on the Joy that God has set for you this new year. Focus on the money God has set to bring to your threshold. Focus on God and let the past be. Even when the devil had tossed you through sinful desires and never let you repent, see the salvation that God has set for you this year. There is a great bliss that awaits you that need your focus...your forgetting the former. 

This year is a year of increase. Some economists have it that when one year is into a depression, another year will experience a lift. You cannot walk on hills alone , there are plains awaiting and there are valleys. And that if last year was a steep hill for you, this year is a bliss of plains. If last year there was financial limitations, this year there will be a financial bliss. 
What are you waiting for.? See , the former things have taken place and new things spring forth... forget the former and focus on the great bliss.

                     GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
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