Proverbs 17:9
He who covers over an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends.
It now evident that we are different and have been made to be different. The emotions you have are different from the emotion pattern your friend has. The way you think is different from the way your neighbor thinks.
Because there are differences, we should expect different results whose frequencies can become a stain to your soul. And such stains to the soul can become scores...grudge against...
A study found out that 78% of people make decisions from an emotional perspective. Because someone wronged you, you draw your goals to satisfy your emotions. You make plans and are motivated to go forward because you want someone else to feel down-to-earth. The bible talks of movements that are made in such ways, such movements cannot see the light of God.
We cannot effectively promote love and unity if we keep grudges... we cannot keep better relationships if we pile scores within us.
To efficiently move with a friend, learn to trash the scores. They may have wronged you, they may have treated you wrongly. They may have said ill against you. They are right; because they as human as you. They are bound to faults. You cannot expect the perfect version of somebody all the time time. They will go wrong at some point. They will hurt you at another point. You have to trash the scores. You have to see forward moves.
If God was to keep kin record of the wrong we do and never willing to forgive and trash them, then the world wouldn't be enough room to have the record. We wouldn't experience His love at all. But because He has trashed your iniquity after you repented, you can live in a relationship with Him.
Somebody needs you. Somebody needs your love, your care, your kindness. Even when they are all annoying and disappointing, always trash the score and move on.
# Simon kutosi
237th msg
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