Matthew 19:16

 Now a man came up to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?” 17 “Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, obey the commandments.”
The world has become a platform with different players. The different players are players of the soul. They have taken many and many have been swallowed by wrong players. Different arts have been presented on this galactic stage. And the weighing scale has been set that has cast many into zero weights. Many have lost their own identity and have made an identity with the trends of this world. They are as good as loosing their weights.

But there is a day that will come. The day is near. A day where Jehovah will be seen coming down with an army to collect those that have kept His name in their hearts. He will come to reward those servants that have worked faithfully and those that have showed higher degree of trust. Trusting in the unknown.

You see, it is easy to trust what you see. It is easy to trust what you touch. But the trust that you put to something you have never touched and seen is a difficult trust. Trust in eternal life yet you have never seen it is a different essence of trust. But always know, such blind beliefs are the most paying efforts of your life. They will make you a part of the heavenly platform that will be presented when the Christ has come.

You therefore need to detouch from the earthly platform. You need to live as a child of eternity. Live as a child of holiness. Do away with whatever causes stains and wringles in your relationship with the almighty. Be holy as your father in heaven. 

My friend, the earthly satisfaction are so temporary that they can blind you of what is real and eternal. And the eternal pleasures are hidden gold. You find out when you are there. It should be a bad idea when you find out you have missed the eternal pleasures. I never wish you missed. 
Let's strive as children of eternity. Do what is good in the eyes of God. Obey the commands of God. The command to love God and love your neighbor is number one key to consider. Walk as Christ walked. Walk as children of eternity.

                      GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi 
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