Luke 23:42

 Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” 43 Jesus answered him, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.”
The two men that were crucified with Jesus were criminals. They had gone through all their lives having crime after crime. They murdered. They stole . They did all sorts of things that society never wanted. And even within them, they knew that if they were to be judged by God, they would fall prey of hell. They consciously knew their stained garment.

When it came to the time of crucification. They realised Christ being part of the line. Was he a murderer? Was he a thief? Of course he wasn't. They knew Christ was innocent and they even knew Him as Christ and not just Jesus. The ancient prophecies had always empathized the personality of Christ. And that he was God. 

Even at that say, one criminal went on to speak ill about their state with Christ. He doubtfully spoke that if Christ was real, then we should be all saved from the cross. 
However, the other criminal knew beyond the cross. He knew about the kingdom to come. He knew Christ would be ruler over such kingdom. He then prayed to Him right there. That he needed to be part of the paradise.
The sinner was then forgiven and he was chosen for paradise.
However much His sins were countless, Christ chose him. However much he was not a lifetime disciple of Christ, Christ chose him for paradise.

What element did this man have within him that made Christ choose him.? The mere fact that he accepted his nature and the true power of Christ; it gave him way to salvation. He accepted his sins.

One thing that makes a person one with God is the acceptance of the helpless self and adoration of the greater self that God is. Accepting your iniquities and being ready to be used by Christ is one of the signatures of the chosen. You cannot be chosen for paradise if you don't accept what you are and who God is in your life. Accept your transgressions and be willing to change. 
If God was able to change a lifetime criminal and chosen for paradise within few minutes, how about you who has had the gospel from time to time.
You too can be part of the paradise. God is able to lift you. He is able to use you. Is able to empower you to be great. One element to reside within should be acceptability and willingness.

                   GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
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