1 Peter 3:15

 But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect
There is obviously a gang of people who are torn between life and death. And there are many that are between the world and salvation. Even the Bible hits light on these kind of people. It talks of how some are lukewarm and are not really to any side.

They obviously have a character. And one of the character that makes them torn in-between is question. They pose a series of questions in their minds and need answers to them. 
They question the good that is in Christ. They question the reality of heaven. They question the existence of God. They question the reality of the death of Christ. They question the reality of a fact that Jesus is the son for God. Some question the reality of eternal life. 

They need reply...

Those questions are for you to answer. To set a holy reply to one who is puzzled. But how do you get to have legitimate answers to the never ending questions?
The scripture above has told us to be prepared. 
You need to know what the scripture talks about the subject in question. You have to study and find out what the word of God says about those questions. Find out what other disciples of Christ say about the questions. And most importantly, you have to find out what God himself says about the questions.
Well , we know how we find out from God. Yes the Bible is the first thing, but we can talk to Him either way. Talking to Him is of course by prayer and fasting. You are to devote yourself to the two instruments in order to stay in touch with a divine personality for reply. 
Daniel was asked many questions. And to the great extent, the king by then wanted him to tell a dream he had and also interpret it. That doesn't sound normal. How can a normal human being tell someone else's dream later on interpret it?
And to such puzzles and many questions from the king and other members, Daniel always ran to God through prayer. He fasted and God revealed the replies. 
You got to set a journey with God through prayer. He says ask of Him and he shall show you the hidden things from the time the universe was formed. Be prepared to give replies to the hungry souls out their. As a Christian, ask yourself the many questions that could possibly be asked about the kingdom of God and set answers to them. Set the holy reply. But at all that, do it with gentleness and respect.

                       GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
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