1 Peter 3:18

 For christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit
In those days, people could have animals sacrificed as a way of sanctification. Animals were slaughtered many time as long a someone sinned. God put an end to that. He sent his son Christ to die for our sins once and for all.

There will be no more prophecy about the Messiah. There will be no more promise for a Redeemer. It's a one Redeemer.
Many false prophets have come to claim that they are Jesus and have come to save the world. Well of course they perform miracles. They have exra-ordinary power. It's wolve in sheep's clothing.
Remember that very many rebellious Angels and Lucifer were tried to take God's position. It is of no surprise that they still duplicate as "God". And that they have the power to the extraordinary things.

It was done once and for all . The crucification was over. The ball is in your hands. It is you that the chance of change is looking at. The grace is here. Sanctify in the Blood of the lamb.

Heaven is waiting for you. He that never spared His life but gave it as a sacrifice for our iniquity is readily preparing your place in heaven. The sad news comes in when your place gets locked and you deviate to the other world; a world where there will be gnashing of the teeth day and night forever. It could be a sorrowful moment when you find yourself off the track of the Messiah...when His blood spills you out.

Heed to His sound now. He is calling you out of this world. He is ready to make you a true royalty.
 Confessing Him as your Lord and savior is not enough, but the daily walk with Him counts.
Well you know how you should walk with the Lord daily. Why aren't you onto that?
Read your Bible and pray every day. Sanctify in the blood all the time. Call unto the lamb and tell Him," here I am Lord, use me as your precious vessel. Make me what you want me to be."

                      GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
                                                    248th msg


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