Isaiah 42:1

 “Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nations.
Long time ago, a people that God loved needed a medium. They needed to feel His love. They needed to hear from Him. He sent a prophet. The prophet led the people out of Egypt. They were stuborn in the whole journey. He sent another prophet. They were sinful and needed a Redeemer. The prophets interceded for them. God sent a prophet one after another.

The repentance and cleansing of sin those days was after sacrifice of animal. And many would first approach the prophet before sanctification.  

The time was up, God needed a once and for all sacrifice. He sent His son with whom he delights. He was a medium for the great testament. He made a vindication. He washed a way the sins of the world. He holds justice.

As the ancient times had those that would carry on the vindication, now God has a great vindication reloaded. 
You have been set free from the accuses that the devil has kept on saying against you. The devil is a lier . He wants you to perish. And in as much as he kept on accusing angels in heaven, he tries hard to accuse you also. He tries hard to see that you are guilty. 
He is ashamed. The Lord has won. The grace of the cross is here - a great vindication reloaded. Justice has been administered. You can freely go to God and present your pleas. You can seek for cleansing and purity from God through Christ. 

Those who went before you even in our world and community to accuse you before your people are now ashamed. Christ with true justice is here. Those that sought to bring you closer to your death are now down. Christ won and overcame.
Praise the Lord for His might love. Praise Jesus for His unwavering favor. Thank Him for come to set true justice. Thank Him for making you what you are. You are great in the kingdom above.

                      GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
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