1 Peter 3:9

 Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.
Living in life is swaying on a platform of good and bad. It is dwindling in the airs of darkness and light. It is seeing day and night at the same time. But how do we know that something is good? We know that something is good by knowing there is a bad replica.

It is obvious that good and bad people present in life. There are people that will come and insult you. There are people that will come to be good but will present their ill intensions in the relationship.

Of course when insulted, your mind desires a same measure of insult to be bounced back to the person as a way of quick compensation.
But the scripture has lined up. What is godly should be presented as godly. You are to pay the insults with a blessing. We can only know that you are godly with such experience. You can only prove your inner godly man when insults come and you present a blessing. We can know that light dwells in you when darkness comes and you present light. That is the orientation of the godly.

You as a child of God have to live as God dictates and not as the world dictates. You have to live as the light.
Pray for those that rise against you. Bless those that curse you. It is in God's place to pay those that have gone against you. 
If you need God to fight for you , you need to keep the light bright within.

                     GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
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