Psalms 40:1

 I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry.
There are of course alot of times we pray for something and we feel we need that fast enough. And if am not mistaken , it is most of the times that we pray. We simply want answers right then. And some demand for the answers right away.

But either way, you want God to come to your aid at the time you think He should come. But have you ever wondered why some people pray and receive their answers alittle fast compared to a similar prayer someone else had? Well that happens, you can pray and I pray the same thing yet we receive answers at different times. 

With the scripture above, interpreting it may seem easy, but diving into it could seem a bit hard. The psalmist says, he patiently waited, then the Lord came to him and heard Him. The important note here is patiently waited. And secondly we see that the Lord comes in after a bit of patience. It is as if God couldn't come in before patience

Within scripture we have been told over and over again to exercise patience. Patience is one element that the Lord desire of us when we pray.
Now of course he is not looking for patient people to give his goodies. There is something that happens when we patiently wait for the Lord. "Waiting for", means that you put off all short cut options and wait for God's option. Being in the patience mode helps to make ripe all the factors that go into making the best of what you want. The best of what you want can't come too fast in our natural world. It takes abit more time to come. The Creed at the throne says that if you want what you need, you need to wait for the need patience.
What is it that you have prayed for?. What is that petition that you have taken to God.? Do you think you have waited for too long? If you think you have waited for too long, then consider the quality of your petition! You will realize you need time . Never think God is late or too early for others. He is always on time.

                     GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi 
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