Psalms 113:7-9

 He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; 8 he seats them with princes, with the princes of their people. 9 He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children.

Praise the Lord.
In the citadel of Susa was a Jew who with others had been carried into exile by Nebuchadnezzar. Mordecai as the Jew, had adopted a seemingly desperate girl. A girl who after had lost everything including her mother and father had become increasingly desperate. He took her as her own daughter. 
Them living under the confines of king Xerxes were subject to his decrees. The king decreed, ...he had lost his stuborn wife through Persian policies and now needed another wife. He passed a decree for nobles to find him a better wife. 
And because Jews were part of the decree, some ladies including Esther were taken for scrutiny. 
And if you remember the story, after 10months of beauty and health treatment, Esther went to the king. She was liked by the king more than the other women. She was made the queen. She was taken from zero to hero.
God by her side.

Our lives are full of ashes. Many tend to thrive on grass level and even never dream of a heroic realm. Even Esther never had it as a goal to be least it's not written. But we see how God raises her from the dust and seats her among the princes and nobles.

Have you ever wondered how rich our God is . It is obvious we can't think of that; mere fact being that we can't measure such wealth on scales. But let's break it down. How rich do you think the Earth is ? If you were to combine all it's resources and people and value wealthy would it be. It would be lingering in trillions of dollars of even quadrillion. That is too big to think about. But if you remember one motivation written sometimes ago, we elaborated the expanse of the universe and how God has made this place insanely vast. For the uninitiated, the earth where we are measuring wealth in quadrillion and are being mad at is just a piece of dust among the vast arrays of celestial bodies in our Galaxy. Even before we talk about Galaxy , our biggest planet - Jupiter can house over 1300 earths. The sun is too big that an estimate of 1.4million earths can fit inside. That is just our solar system. Let's not dive into that so much. But the visible universe has trillions of galaxies which house trillions of solar systems. That is insanely vast.
That was to remind us of God's greatness.

That said, God is able to lift you. No matter where you are. He has all the power to flip you to the other side of the green plain. He has the power to lift you from the ashes to seat you with princes and Kings. Believe in Him. You can be moved from zero to hero. You can be healed, provided for, protected. One thing to have is faith in the vast wealth of our might father.

                    GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi
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