Hebrews 4:12

 For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
It is evident that God holds power in His word. The Israelites one day wanted to see God. They complained that Moses alone was speaking to God and that they too wanted to speak to God. God agreed and told Moses to gather them. As they were gathered, the Lord started to step out of His throne. The winds arose and lightning struck. And as we imagine, Him starting to clear His voice made earth quake and could be wasting the community. And what would happen when he spoke His precious words. Maybe the earth would disappear.

If mere fact is that seeing God face to face earns you a place in the graveyard, then His words are so powerful.
We have seen how much time God has taken to build His word into a Bible. He has made the most of His energy to come to our aid. 

And what did the scripture say, "the word of God is living"... living is number one. "It is active. Sharper than any double-edged sword" is number two. "It judges"...number three.
The three important aspects of the word of God here are that it is living, active, and judges. We all at one point fear dead things especially human bodies. It is so unnatural to deal with what you see having no life. We all know how a frozen place is hard to deal in. It is more desirable to be in an active place where sun rays bounce left and right and warms ignites our bodies. The element of living and active is what enables us to produce results. 

Whenever you read the Bible, it is flowing through your soul and working on things that were dead. When you read the word of God, it is able to penetrate into your soul and make you one with God and with His promises. The Bible is able to tell you what you are and what you need to be . It is your mirror. It will be able to show you where your faults are and where you need to step up. It will give you a clear map of the mind of God and of His promises.
Never let your Bible behind. Make it a makeup mirror every morning. Make it a phone call every evening. .. calling onto Jehovah. Let not the words within depart from you.

                   GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi
                                  256th msg


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