1 Corinthians 14:14

 For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my mind is unfruitful. 15 So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my mind; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my mind.
We go through life and alot of life goes through us. There are lots of things that we encounter and alot encounters us. We do alot. We think alot. We feel alot. It is not easy to forget all these thoughts and see what we are supposed to see. It is easy to praise the Lord yet your mind is far from the moment.

There is one thing that God desires us to have . It is the oneness that comes with us when we present our bodies as living sacrifices. You cannot simply present the body as living sacrifice and you move away. Even when this sounds unreal, it is what most of us do. We are present yet absent. 

The hymns flow through your spirit and you praise aloud. The banger of the song moves you. The moment flows through your spirit and you are thrilled to move faster. You serve at the temple yet your motivation is a frequency that is far from entwined spirituality. Hope you have seen someone who is vigorous in service just because of the presence of somebody.

The Lord needs a whole person present in his service. He needs you to serve in spirit but also in the mind. It is easy for your spirit to serve with energy yet that service never reaches heaven. You are told good news and you are high in spirit and the shout of hosanna is simply because of the high spirit. But the mind within is not entwined with real praise.
Sing with the mind. Think of the goodness Jehovah has done . Make a testimony within your mind as you pray to Yaweh. Make a testimony within as you shout a new song to the Lord. Pray inside your mind, your soul...with feelings, pray within your spirit with hope and great faith. The Lord needs you whole. The Lord needs you with entwined spiritualities. Forget the troubles of all life and think of the love in heaven. Think of God. You need to have a fruitful mind.

                    GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
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