Romans 1:16

 I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.
Because of the seemingly evolving generation, Many of us have changed to adopt the ever changing world. But such changes bring with them a cost. Many have sought to have some forms of conduct and never wanting to be identified with some other forms of conduct. The ways of dressing in some places have been defined by the general society living there, some people have forcefully molded into such paths just to fit with the evolution.

But there is something that is identified. The stamp of the holy Spirit within a Christian is also seen on the outside of them. The gospel that sounds within the soul is also meant to be noticed outside. You know, when we speak, we don't only speak by word of mouth, we also speak by gesture and signs. Even evangelism and the spread of the gospel is in the same fit. We also preach the gospel through our actions. 

And for the gospel that sounds within to be made visible on the outside, actions must be molded.
You should not be ashamed of your actions, for it is the power of God and it is the salvation for everyone who passes your way. Have you known people who have been transformed by the actions of others? Of course you may say you don't remember. But many people nowadays are influenced by celebrities in dressing, walk and the rest. Their actions influence others. It is therefore easy for souls to be transformed by your actions.

Speak your actions aloud, don't be ashamed of them. Love as Christ loved. Speak as Christ spoke. Walk as Christ walked. Live without fear. Preach the good news. Pray as Christ prayed. Our actions matter. This is the defense that we have when Christ will be revealed. You should be identified with Christ.

                      GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
                                   262th msg


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