Matthew 19:14

 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Even when he doesn't know, he will always say thank you. He is trained. He followed the voice that was instilled in him the night before today. In the course of fear, he runs to his mother to take refuge ..."mama darkness is over there...I saw something strange." Oh..the innocence in his eyes. 
And of course, he never leaves out saying to mama..."I need food...I need something to play with." His trust is in her.

Little voice, you know who your hero is. You never let a moment pass by without saying to them how you feel. It is trust you have earned. 

The disciples of Christ thought that children were an inconvenience in the eyes of God. They thought they needed to listen better to the teachings from the teacher...and needed no childish play around.  Little did they know they were sailing away from the little voices of heaven. 
The teacher says, "the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." 

We have to be little voices. We need to embrace a character and character far from what we have come to realize we have. Let alone the mature dots that single within us. You cannot be mature enough to sustain yourself without God. You need to talk to Him everyday. Talk to him all the time. Cry out . Humble yourself before Him. We need to be little voices in the kingdom... innocent in our walk. 
Knowing that you are little and need more of God is great step towards the source of life. Knowing that you are insufficient and need more milk will earn you luxuries in the kingdom.
Be the little child that God seeks for. Speak as the little voices do. Pray like the little voices do. Be the little one at the throne of Jehovah.

                    GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
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