Galatians 5:17

 For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want.
It is easy to do what your conscience tells you to do. It is easy to do what is known in the environment. If our bodies were left alone to do all that they think according to anyone's will, it will be an easy going life... without restrictions. That is what they call the wide road. But because there are restrictions that have been enacted for those that are believers to follow, that has become thin and impenetrable. It is called the narrow road.

The nature that we are - is a built on some frequencies of violence and recklessness. It can become a nuances if not weeded and nurtured.
And this is where we get help from. The Lord sends the helper. He sends the holy Spirit.
 But this is also tricky. In our government parliament, there is no sit for the holy Spirit to which we can run for help. He moves all around and resides within souls. 

But how do we know Him. Of course you may say through the word of God. But also, he is known through His Divine whisper. He guides us through still voices that ring within us. He may use someone else or even you yourself. He throws His whispers. "Repent and turn away from that filthy nature." He speaks. "You are a chosen son in God's royalty....live as God lives". 

His voice may seem still and unpleasant to heed, yet it is the narrow road to follow. The way to heaven is slim. You need to force your way through it. The whisper in the spirit seems low and unheard of, but you need to heed to the call.

                     GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
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