John 36:7

 He does not take his eyes off the righteous; he enthrones them with kings and exalts them forever.
We all have prayers and requests that we present to God . We were saved and received salvation cheerfully. But the journeys of salvation are ones of carrying the cross with Christ. It at times seems harder than when we were not saved. 
And because we have prayed alot in these harder moments, God seems not to be listening to our prayers. He seems to be quiet and seemingly careless.

The land of Uz being blessed by a rich and yet righteous man couldn't survive the fungs of demons. Job was squeezed by demons that he lost all he had. But one very good thing he never did was to denounce God. He remained faithful and hoping that God remembers him. Indeed God remembered Job. God blessed job in his later part of his life than the former . He had more than a double of what he had at first.

There is something cooking in heaven for you. Your prayers are firewood to such and it will be ready soon. The eyes of the Lord that watched job all days are still watching you. He is going to give you your hearts desire. He is going to answer the prayers you have prayed all day. God is going to open such blessing upon you that you won't have enough room for them.

Don't give up on Christ. He knows your name and it is written in his palms. He knew you even before you were formed in your mother's womb. Cling to the vine continuously without fail. Fix your eyes to Christ because he has fixed His eyes on you.

                      GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi 
                                      265th msg


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