Hebrews 9:27-28

Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment,so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.
 Truely salvation. Anyway, the Israelites waited for a savior in the olden days. They waited for promised Messiah, a man they knew would take away the suffering that they had. A man who would be crowned king and deal away with the tears and problems that they all had. But he came... What he dealt away with was not the problem they thought about. He even didn't rule in the local governments they thought he would.

But some never believed His first arrival...they are still waiting.

As they are still waiting, there is another waiting - for those who believed in the first arrival. Those who believe in the first round of salvation. The complete salvation that Christ is preparing for us is yet to come and will come soon.

Even some after hearing how Christ died, they still insist on the wrong paths they should take. It is even more pitiful for some who have once known Him and have turned away.
But His other coming to complete salvation is not healing sinners in anyway, but it is a coming to comdemn and glorify.
 Glorify; in the sense of giving those who deserve what they have traded for while on earth . Glorifying those who have given their time and resources and their bodies for the service in Christ.

The day is soon. The soon was said a thousand plus years ago and we still say soon. What is soon before God may not be what is soon before us. 
The eternity that is to be spent can not equal the days human have so far spent on earth. When we compare the days after the last time on earth, we will truely know that the soon of Christ returning is indeed soon. The problem is, - our thinking of events that will happen and be no more. Eternity will come and is here to stay. You were made to be eternal.
What will be presented on that day is what will determine where to spend your eternity.
The good news is that you are here reading this to determine your results after death or when you face the Messiah. You need to prescribe your ends now and know where you stand today.

                   GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi 
                                  273th msg


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