Psalm 91:11

For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways
There is a funny - yet true story . In the west of Africa lived a simple lady. She was however gaining fame in her simple ways. But what she came to realize was small matters that made her draw her efforts from all that she fond herself of.
Starting from a simple angle, she saw a problem with flights. She flew on occasional basis. She witnessed a plane crush and lots of people dieing from it. She then said that she will never use a plane again and that her life was more precious. That she needed to protect her little life from every danger. She resorted to using vehicles. She boarded cars on a daily basis. She saw a deadly accident of vehicles which 'tilted' her heart. She was sad and said she will never use cars again. Her innocent life needs time to enjoy the goodness of God.
She resorted to footing and having a simple life around her near by town. She knew death was from making long travels over planes and cars. And since she had a good fortune of money from her husband and children, there will be no problem of sorting her daily needs as the town was close. Unfortunately, her death calendar had counted to zero. Her time was up. She was at home enjoying the breeze and the sun rays. A plane crashed deep in the sky and parts came crumbling and some hit her. She was so scared of the scene that she even died from all that. And that was her end. A life she dearly protected was over at its own time. The plane she dodged came looking for her at her own home. Death she never wanted to get close to came from the sky.

We cannot protect the so called innocent life by our own efforts. 
There is something divine that needs to be at the back and front of our every move. There is something extra ordinary from what we know should be in all our ways. We need help .
The scripture has given us a way. That God will send his angels concerning you and they will guard all your moves. Trusting the help that guns gives is not the solution to absolute protection. Trusting the help that walls give is not the end in end hope. There is something you and me should instead put all our hopes .

The lady was hopeful that her tactics would grant her protection against all that threatened her life. She forgot the one and only hope of help. She forgot that God has better means. She forgot that death is all over us. Death in the ground, death in the sky. Death on the ground and the water. You cannot look for it or run away from it. Even death in the unknown that chokes life from those asleep in the night. There is great hope in the Lord our God. Where are you putting your hopes?. What is your avenue of protection.? What is your shield.? Where you put your hope determines how you leave earth . Instead of God proving to you that he is God by sending dangerous instruments to collect your life, having hope in him will ensure a safe return!

                 GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
                                  277th msg


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