Jeremiah 32:17

“Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.
The universe is vast. Whoever made this is more vast. If we were to zoom to the end of the universe, we would not see earth in anyway of belonging. We may not refer to it as dust because even dust is weighed and belongs. At the scale of the universe, the earth will not matter in our eyes and telescope.

But we know the one and only - who made all these seemingly impossible things. He even has other things that are beyond our recognition. Mark you, real scale of our universe has never been discovered by the most advanced machinery of any kind - human being has ever made. We only say the visible universe/ known universe. Whatever is beyond is imaginery.
But let's not be too much science though. If the universe is a small part of the mega wonder worlds that God has made, then how much great is heaven in the unseen. Anyway, we clearly see what the great outstretched arm of our great God has done...even if we know little.

What have we here on this tiny planet? A set of human species rolling rounds with created instances named problems? If they are truely in the image of the Creator, why do they suffer and suffocate in the tinny world in these vast arrays of cosmos.?
Of course the answer is there. 
One thing that happens is a test of time. After all happened and that lock after lock has set us here; including the locks in Eden that set this pace, we can explain this state.
But someone cares. God even, in sending His only son to die for us shows how much He cares to redeem us from those locks. There is what is happening behind the scenes to lift us to greater consciousness and power . That means that even our suffering is momentary. It is all set to build strands of persistence, courage, patience... God never lets you suffer without reason... only time will tell.

Our God is all powerful. He is able to provide all that you ask. He has all the gold that you need. He has all the children that you need. He has the good health that you desire. The house, the education, the Job, the life. He has got that more than you may ever wish to consume.
It is easy to sit and lament as to why God is not doing enough.
But there is also one thing that He wants you to do! He wants you to call on His name. There is a reason as to why you need to pronounce your needs on your lips to God. You know, when He does it when you ask ; you can have a concrete testimony within your heart of how great he is.

                 GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi
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