Ecclesiastes 8:15

So I commend the enjoyment of life, because there is nothing better for a person under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany them in their toil all the days of the life God has given them under the sun.
      What value does it hold to work through moments after moments and have no gladness within you? It is easy to go through life toiling and toiling, searching and searching; yet you seem not to find and seem not to have enough. 
The world will always have problems. Is only the return of our Messiah that we shall have relief. But now as it is, the world will continue with troubles. You cannot say you will work to have things right. The things that you think are going to be all right will have a bit of problem.

It is evident that you cannot have in full what you think you should have. There always will be gap for improvement. And now concentrating on improvement and solution and toil will have you be an anti-particle to gravity of our economy. You will fly off to endless points. Flying off and lost in work without gladness and satisfaction.

But 'work and work' is not bad. What about you ? Have you forgotten about you, your soul, your body? Don't you think you are a priority? Aren't you important as work itself and don't you think you have work to do with yourself?

 I commend the enjoyment of life, because there is nothing better for a person than to eat and drink and be glad. It is easy to have someone else be a problem to you than you to be a problem to yourself. You care for someone else. It is easy to buy clothes and shoes for your children and friends as gifts on parties. But it is harder to buy for yourself as you think the money is not enough. The not enough 'thing' continues over and over again. That is not what the Bible is telling us. Caring for others is good but you are a priority. Well of course, such can be bent at some point...where someone else comes first, but it still remains a rule for your whole life. 

You cannot be teaching others sermons and teaching holiness without teaching yourself. It is like leading others to heaven while you stay humbly in hell. You are also a problem that needs the 'goodies' of life. A moment in time, eat good, drink good, sleep well. 

A moment in time, cloth and celebrate your life. Go lavish and have delicacy . Get the best treatment at the parlour. There is nothing better for a person under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany them in their toil all the days of the life God has given them under the sun.

                  GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
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