Hosea 4:6

 my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge,     I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God,     I also will ignore your children.
     Rejecting left and right. In Malachi, we emphasize the tithing and that we become of the consequences that are there if otherwise. But there is something that is fishy here. Rejection left and right...not for not doing a perfect job or for not going to church but for rejecting knowledge.

That is as scaring as the curses in Malachi. Knowledge is born of God. Wisdom is divine. When we reject knowledge, we reject a spirit from God. When we reject knowledge, we reject a light from God.
Knowledge is light, it shows us the way to go and the way to do the things that we ought to do. It shows us the formulae that we need to embrace in order succeed at certain things.

Certain things are present in 2025. They need success. And if you need to succeed at them, you need knowledge of new caliber. The knowledge in the bible is essential for them to succeed.
The attitude that we hold determines the results that we get. We cannot pour new wine in old wineskin. If we do, both the wine and the wineskin will be ruined. 
Using the "not-working" formulae from the old year in the new year will Ruin yet another year. Embracing the new formulae in new year will preserve you. 

Embrace knowledge. Embrace a new mental attitude. Embrace an attitude that is ready to learn of the knowledge of God. Embrace the attitude that is ready to use new formulae. Embrace the attitude that is ready to search for new wisdom. 
Attitude is shaped by knowledge and knowledge shapes attitude. They both work hand in hand. If you change your attitude today, you will encounter new knowledge and when encounter new knowledge, a new attitude will spring forth in 2025.

                 GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
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