

THE SAUCE Romans 15:13  May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. -------------------------------------------- When we take some time without a taste of something, there creates deficiency within our bodies that signals the brain for need. It becomes obvious that what you eat has what the brain demands. What is eaten should therefore have enough of what is needed . It cannot be used unless it has enough of what is needed. The sauce is the source of bodily nutrients. Did you know that you cannot preach the word unless you have been filled with the word? Did you also know that you cannot pour out the holy Spirit unless you have been enriched with the holy Spirit.? You cannot encourage others unless you have gotten the encouragement. You cannot give unless you have been given. If you ever want an overflow , you got to be filled up. It is the being filled up that will let peace ,


VACUUM OWNER Proverbs 13:7  One man pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth. -------------------------------------------- There is a trend that gives an emotion, whose results pose a threat to the soul. A frequency that vibrates in the social atmosphere whose essence is pure lies.  When they get out, they have their best display...and more so, any way they make it should impress. Even when it means borrowing property that is beyond their threshold, they need to. At the end of the day, you will see a somebody on the streets who is a "nobody" in realty.  One thing I have seen is that many of the people who try hard to make notice of what they have actually don't have. They try to dress and move in manners that depict greater achievement and wealth; yet surely, they haven't any. They are vacuum owners...a people owning "nothing". Empty tins make alot of noice compared to filled tins. Well...of course


LIVING WATERS   Psalms 107:20  He sent forth his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave. -------------------------------------------- Have you ever been so hungry... And that in your hunger, you yarn to grab food and satisfy the body? How does it feel when you get to eat enough of the food that you were yarning to have? Of course it feels reliving and satisfying. There is a man within you that has to be fed on given types of foods. He has to be watered . He has to drink. How many times do you read the word of God everyday.? How many times do you receive the word from God everyday.? God speaks to us. But have you always recognized the voice when He speaks.? When we are sick, we pray to Him for healing. When we are into ppwerty we pray to Him for wealth. When we sin we pray to Him for repentance. But how many times do hear him say to you what you wanted Him to say to you. How many times do you recognize the answer from God. The soul is a man with &qu


PASSWORD Psalms 127:1  Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. -------------------------------------------- In the beginning, God made the Earth and all that we see in it. He made the plants and all their formations. He made the fish in the seas .He made the animals and all the science in them. But when it came to make man, He was careful and had extensive consultation. And at all they discussed, God the Father, God the son and God the holy Spirit needed to make man in their own image. Man was made with spirit, soul and body. And in as much as fish in the seas cannot live without water, man cannot live without Devine power.  Your soul and spirit is part of the whole that God is . And that whatever you do, it is approved by heavenly power.  There is a power that is great and is able to do great things. And that unless they build, builders build in vain. There is a plan that you pla


AUTOGRAPH OF THE SPIRIT.  2 kings 2:9  “Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit,” ...if you see me... taken from you, it will be yours...” 11 As they were walking along and talking together,... a chariot of fire and horses... appeared and separated the two, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind. 12 ...And Elisha saw him no more. Then he took hold of his own clothes and tore them apart... Then he took the cloak that had fallen from him and struck the water with it. ... it divided to the right and to the left, and he crossed over. -------------------------------------------- When Christ came for our sake, it took him a lot to be around and make impact as He waits for the sacrifice. He made disciples and made followers. It was not for nothing that He made disciples see Him being taken up to heaven.  Elijah's power was transferred to Elisha when Elisha saw him go up into heaven. The signature of Elijah was left into Elisha. The apostles performed marvelous th


NEW IDENTIFY John 1:12  Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God -------------------------------------------- A covert who joined church lately cries of how is being disturbed spiritual wise more than he was ever before. He says his financial stand has worsened and what he had started is at the verge of collapse. Whatever happens to him is being related to his new relationship...the relationship he has with Christ - our Lord. It is not strange things that Christians face tribulations. They are in the image of the Christ that suffered first. The sign for the downfall occuring worse than before is a sign of a new identity . Those that received him have gotten a stamp as Christ-name-holder. And Because of such signature, there is a fleet of enemies that have been discharged to see to it that all they had falls. Anything new comes with a merit and a demerit. There will be a downfall and an opportunity. And that


ETERNAL FLOW Psalms 34:10  The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. -------------------------------------------- There are curvatures in all times. A man grew while poor. And he embarked on a mission to seek wealth at greater costs. He saw the wealth.  He got the wealth. He grew in the curves of riches and went to the maximum he could possibly go. He however started to grow old and couldn't seek wealth any longer. He only started to feast on the wealth he had accumulated. And so, what was high started to go low . He finally died. The balance of his fortune was to be enjoyed by his people. What does a man gain if he gained the whole world and yet looses his soul. The things of this ground go up and yet will come down one day. The lion grows strong and yet will be weak one day. It may grow satisfied and yet will be hungry one day.  There is something that doesn't have such curvatures. It is the deep inner riches of every soul