

  SUNDAY SERVICE   SERMON :                      BUILDING BLOCKS OF FAITH.  _INTRO_ : Faith is hope of the results of things yet unseen. It is belief that is deep down the heart. Therefore what builds and strethens your heart , builds and strethens your faith. Building blocks of faith build your heart.  _PROB_: but the problem we have as christians is that some times , we speak and act in the name of faith,but our hearts are far from the knowledge of christ. Like seen in   Matthew 15:8-9 --christ told his Disciples that these people worship me with their lips but their hearts are far from me.  _PURP_ : Therefore the purpose of this lesson is to enable us build our faith daily.                Faith as a belief is an understanding of the heart. If you believe healing, you believe in giving, you believe in salvation. It is an understanding of the heart. Even a dream that lies deep in your heart is faith. Because you hope for that. Therefore, whatever ulters your understanding