SERMON :   
                  BUILDING BLOCKS OF FAITH.

 _INTRO_ : Faith is hope of the results of things yet unseen. It is belief that is deep down the heart. Therefore what builds and strethens your heart , builds and strethens your faith. Building blocks of faith build your heart.

 _PROB_: but the problem we have as christians is that some times , we speak and act in the name of faith,but our hearts are far from the knowledge of christ.
Like seen in
 Matthew 15:8-9--christ told his Disciples that these people worship me with their lips but their hearts are far from me.

 _PURP_ : Therefore the purpose of this lesson is to enable us build our faith daily.

               Faith as a belief is an understanding of the heart. If you believe healing, you believe in giving, you believe in salvation. It is an understanding of the heart. Even a dream that lies deep in your heart is faith. Because you hope for that.
Therefore, whatever ulters your understanding, ulters your faith. And whatever disturbs your heart, disturbs your faith. On that note therefore, what strethens your understanding, strethens your faith...
Building blocks of faith...

*James 2:17,26-
 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.
.26 As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. it 

We cannot carry on true faith if our actions don't reflect our beliefs. To undertake a venture you believe in, your actions should reflect your belief. Therefore the first block is ....

If you tell your Disciples to love, you should show them love first...that is complete faith. If you say I believe I will be the best business man in uganda, you actions on ground should show your belief. 
The woman who believed would get healing after touching the cloak of Jesus, never had faith without action; at first she believed, but later took on the initiative of touching the cloak...there her faith was complete.
Your faith cannot be complete unless action is besides it. If you believe you will get more sales in business, then the obvious action is advertising, open your shop for more hours.
You cannot encounter dreams, if you don't start a journey of action.

 I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.
The gifts we have as believers are meant to be shared. If your are pastor, evangilist, apostle...your gift in your heart is faith. You cannot understand the goodness in pastorship, prophecy if your don't share that gift. I mean if you don't put it into use. One is created for another and another is created for the other...we will not understand the goodness in the body of christ if a pastor is a pastor of their own and a prophet is a prophet of their own. A pastor needs a prophet and a prophet needs a pastor....that is the goodness in christ.
 You cannot be strong in your gift if you don't share it.
Building blocks of faith...
you will only understand how to be a good prophet if you go down, share your gift of prophecy. Your gift is not yours but was given to you for others.

*2 Peter:1.5
 For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge;
6 and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness;
7 and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love.
.8 For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
As you share your faith, there are elements that are very essential. The bible has says that to your faith add goodness, knowledge, self-control. Therefore the third building block is ...
Your heart with it's beliefs can gain strength if there is understanding added. That is why some come to church and on hearing and understanding the wisdom in a sermon, they are strethened and so does their faith get stronger.
The last bit of the verse means that in such a way you will be productive and efficient in the knowledge or faith of christ.
You cannot be a diligent pastor if you don't add knowledge to your heart.
Knowledge helps us understand what we believe in. If you have a dream, you will not understand how to go about it if you are limited in knowledge.
To your faith, add knowledge.

Besides knowledge are strong Elements of character. The bible in 2peter has told us that to whatever faith you have , add perseverance, patience, self-control...
You will not become a good pastor if you don't posses perseverance, you will not get your miracle within your church if you are not patient. You are a christian who comes for the first, second and third time to the church, but because there no healing, you quit. 
The man that waited at the beautiful gate, always waited for the angel to stir the water so that he drops in but there was no chance...yet he kept on waiting... patiently. Until one point Jesus passed around and spotted him alone among the crowd of lame people and he got his healing.
You will not receive the results of your faith if you aren't having character attached to the faith. You will not achieve your dream if there is no character attached.
 The Lord wants you to add to your faith character. He wants to find you in position. If your miracle is in the church, be in church always,. If you hope to boast sales, be in your shop in time e.g Monday to Friday, 15hours or whatever. be in position like the lame man.
Without character faith is dead, your dreams are dead, your gift is dead.
Character is a strong building block of faith.

Faith is hope of the things unseen. It is a belief in the heart.
You will grow in it if you grow in character.
Embrace the sharing of your faith,
Attach actions to your belief. There, your faith and dream will become stronger and real.

By kutosi Simon.
Sunday 13th Feb 2022.


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