

OMNIPOTENT Jeremiah 32:17 “Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you. -------------------------------------------- The universe is vast. Whoever made this is more vast. If we were to zoom to the end of the universe, we would not see earth in anyway of belonging. We may not refer to it as dust because even dust is weighed and belongs. At the scale of the universe, the earth will not matter in our eyes and telescope. But we know the one and only - who made all these seemingly impossible things. He even has other things that are beyond our recognition. Mark you, real scale of our universe has never been discovered by the most advanced machinery of any kind - human being has ever made. We only say the visible universe/ known universe. Whatever is beyond is imaginery. But let's not be too much science though. If the universe is a small part of the mega wonder worlds that God has made, then how much g